Module 1 - Elimination - Part 3
Nutritional Weight Loss
6m 4s
Everybody loves to upgrade the things in their life.
Now it is time to upgrade YOU! :)
In the previous lesson, you took note of the foods in your diet that you need to eliminate. However, the question remains what do you need to replace your current fuel with to give you the life upgrade you deserve?
Find your answers below.
Foods for weight loss:
Lean, healthy fats. This includes avocados, tree nuts, coconuts, seeds, healthy oils like avocado, coconut, olive.
Healthy proteins. This includes: quinoa (not a grain, contrary to belief), grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, pastured pork, pastureed chicken & eggs (INCLUDE the yolk), game meat.
Vegetables. Organic, non-GMO if possible.
Delicious & fresh (when possible) spices. Fresh garlic, black pepper, turmeric (include with black pepper), sage, oregano, basil, sea salt, cayenne, curry, Chinese 5-spice whatever spices you love. Just check the labels to make sure you're not buying one with preservatives!
Even just from cutting sugar, you will likely notice some fast weight loss almost immediately.
Start to pay attention to the results you're experiencing from cutting some of these inflammatory foods! Better sleep, improved digestion, more focus, better mood, etc.
The cool thing about eating whole, nutrient-dense foods is that you're naturally not going to over-eat them! They're so satisfying, your body will naturally regulate your serving sizes for you.
When you shift your mindset to understanding how GOOD these foods are for you, they'll start to taste better because you'll appreciate what they're doing for you. Your taste buds will shift and you might be surprised at what foods you end up truly enjoying to eat!
Eliminating the foods that cause inflammation & weight gain naturally allows for more space in your diet that can be filled with whole, real foods.
Broccoli is good for liver, colon, prostate, ovaries.
Up Next in Nutritional Weight Loss
Module 1 - Elimination - Part 4
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