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Watch this video and more on How Do You Health

Module 1 - Elimination - Part 4

Nutritional Weight Loss • 3m 15s

Up Next in Nutritional Weight Loss

  • Module 2 - The Energy Shift - Part 1

    Week 1 was about eliminating the foods causing inflammation & weight gain in your body.

    Week 2 will likely mark a shift in energy for you. That could go either way: a huge shift upwards OR a huge shift down. The downwards shift comes from having to re-train your body to run off of a new f...

  • Module 2 - The Energy Shift - Part 2

    Sleep is important because you are:

    Detoxifying all parts of the body - the brain, the organs, the blood, the muscles. All of it is getting a clean sweep.
    Repairing damages or inflammation built up throughout the day.
    "Rewinding" your memories for long-term storage.
    Signs that you're getting ...

  • Module 2 - The Energy Shift - Part 3

    In the last couple videos, you learned that your energy shifts up and down depending on what you are eating and when.

    To fully get the energy you need, focus on foods and supplements that are nutrient dense and packed with vitamins. The vitamins you are putting into your body on a daily basis...